Wednesday, January 05, 2005


As many of you may or may not know, Texass is a white-washed hotbed for conspiracy rebuttals above and beyond the call of duty. Take for instance the racketeering of the late-night ramblers, sleepwalking in their stalls. Rotating at odd angles whilst pleasuring their centers in rigid contortions, mimicing the spliced-metronomic hum of some plastic beat. The repository for angel-bats is alive and kicking, always on the lookout for newborn babes, "crossover children, all welcome all welcome, come into the LIGHT!". Funny how the lights are always on in the city and likewise no ones ever home. You can see the lights dancing in the peoples eyes like fireflies to the locusts groom, dancing about and playing the creeper sweets like pickled teets. So they shut down the power 'round here just in time for THEM too come and make their inspections. Make sure this citizen hasn't had too many good lucid dreams........wouldn't want them too wake up too soon. That always gets a little messy.
Metropolis walks along the steady buzz of razor wire chiming in the night, feeding the young and innocent to the boilermakers wound, cleansing the soul of the city in an ever widening arc. A POX on the lot of this damned verminous clot! Religio-politikal-ritualised-manifesto-in-the-making. Anthropromorphic-time-destablilisers are currently running at optimum with an expectant transgression to primordial conciousness. Controlcontrolcontrolcontrol.............


Anonymous Anonymous said...

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January 7, 2005 at 5:27 PM  

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