Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Evidence of sensorial-delerium

  1. frantic permutations abound around the periphery. the vehicle experiences permanent memory loss. the time slip is evident.
  2. moveable transitions. telepathine evidentitis. mascular dystrophy.
  3. .locus nexium harpy dirge plithy of tantamount vasculosis trembles.

A feast of sores. Food of the gods. Planar-nexus-mundi-telemundo. atonal melange. vague attempts at parallel realisations. subtonal lunar morphological ellipsis intransational verbatim interim cascading locuslocuslocuslocuslocuslocuslocus the food of the nexus the centrifugal forgery the church the state the lonely estate ghost plague of the walking dead murmur fumble dearth for the damned apostelic dirigibles.

Black creatures with windowless wings jump from roof top to rooftop legless vampiric embryo tying wounded legs together with heathen twine obvious answer is we can't keep them tied up anymore they have come from above and below to recclaim what was rightfully theres in lieu of landing speed they refrain from belching enormously vain comments in faceless vapid subdwellers carved from eagles stone in torrential linguistic finality vain and fragile these seedlings open there eyes to lifting the veils of lagomorphic diogenetic veils locuslocuslocuslocuslocuslocus

Draped in the diaphanous veils the lords children spake kindly unto thee words of liquid tension brittle as pick-axe sawdust cleaver kindly administer the goods officer in-remission the vessel for the hollow flesh undead and bereft of acknowledgment like tremens in the afterflash of days old seasonal requisite carnations.

Livid as old eyes in piqued laquer stare eyes of sodden flesh luxury of the ancients the only crimson left dilluted into time-folds of irregular innocence the lessening of deprecation likened unto leprecarnality the aeon of the witch has struck belief factors in likened repressive oddish stares about the reciprocating vestibules of fascination likened unto great winged beasts with taloned manes and blackened hearts old sores die young.


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August 26, 2005 at 11:05 AM  
Blogger p3rs3phone23 said...

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July 3, 2009 at 9:31 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Good God! I didn't realize that these Blogger posts could collect so much spam...

December 28, 2009 at 6:19 PM  

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